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It’s great to see snow in the forecast that will keep our members and their equipment out on the roads! Multiple snow events have been keeping many of you busy, and we appreciate your hard work.

Your Executive has also been actively engaged, continuing our efforts with senior provincial executives as we move closer to securing legislative protection for snow-clearing equipment while engaged in operations on streets, roads, and highways.

As many of you know, we have been working on this initiative for the past few years, and in the last 12 months, we’ve made significant progress with key decision-makers at the Province of Manitoba—the only authority capable of implementing these legislative changes. Michelle Magdic, Shannon Heibert, and I, on behalf of the Snow Standards Committee, have been in discussions with various senior provincial officials to outline the necessary legislative updates that are critical to our members. From my experience in these meetings, it is clear that H.E.A.T. is recognized as the leading voice on this issue, providing expert insight into the legislative, enforcement, and educational aspects of this initiative.

Your Executive is staying closely informed, and we will keep our members updated as we move forward. Our goal is to have these legislative changes approved by the 2025/2026 snow season, ensuring they become law.

Meeting with Manitoba Motor Carrier Enforcement

In January 2025, your Executive and Board met with Motor Carrier Chief of Enforcement Kevin Mantie and Sgt. Paul Laporte for an in-depth briefing on Motor Carrier’s activities and priorities for 2025. Exciting changes are happening within Motor Carrier, including a commitment to keeping Manitoba’s roads and highways safe. They are currently in recruitment mode, adding five more enforcement officers, which will bring their total to 51 Peace Officers patrolling Manitoba’s roads.

Annual General Meeting – March 2025

With our Annual General Meeting fast approaching, we are pleased to announce that we are working with the Minister to have Chief Mantie as our keynote speaker  March _____. This is an incredible opportunity for our members to hear directly from the Chief about Motor Carrier’s role and its ongoing efforts to enhance road safety in Manitoba.

As always, attendance at the AGM is free for members, but seats are limited, so be sure to reserve your spot early. This event provides tremendous value to our members—offering insights, education, networking opportunities, and a complimentary dinner.

Stay tuned for further details and a full agenda in the coming weeks. We look forward to seeing a full house in March for an evening of education, discussion, and connection.

See you then!

Bruce Henley

Stakeholder Relations Manager

H.E.A.T. Mb


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